Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to see just who we are here at Local Couponomy. My name is Terrill Boss (the planter of the seed that has grown into this company) The entire concept of this business has taken almost 10 years to sprout and it’s been a wild journey! I have a bit of a quirky personality and wanted that to flow out onto this About Us page in hopes that you will see that we are all just real people who have real dreams and goals and a uniqueness…just like you!
Local Couponomy was created to help people in our community thrive in different ways. First the locally owned businesses that are critical to the foundation of our community. They each had a vision/goal of making a difference in their family dynamics, and the neighborhood they live in by providing an answer to a need or desire. Competition for a consumer’s hard earn money is not an easy thing to achieve. But they believed in themselves and took on the risk and challenge. We feel strongly that for our community to thrive, it starts with our locally owned businesses. The Local Couponomy phone app is a tool they can use to get some attention and spark some interest in the people who live here. We want it to bring new eyes and hearts into their doors to see what is available to them. Hopefully create loyal, repeat clients that will tell their friends, who will tell their friends to shop there.
We next wanted to help our community members save some money on things they were going to buy anyway and take those dollars and either save them, or continue to support our local businesses. Who doesn’t like to save money!
We will have a program in place for local organizations to create a fundraising event to earn money for something that has meaningful value to them. Maybe it is a Youth Sports team that needs new uniforms. Or maybe a church group that desires to send a team of people somewhere on a mission trip to help build something that is desperately needed in another community, or country. Or maybe someone in our community has experienced a tragedy and their loving friends or family want to help. We have a free opportunity to help raise money for their needs. (Please see our Fundraising page for more information).
This company employ’s good people who can see the value of what our vision is, and they go out and promote what we have to offer. They all earn a good salary to support their families, and in turn, will be pouring money back into our neighborhood stores and businesses.
We plant, we fertilize, we nurture, and then harvest and repeat that cycle over and over again. That is what Shopping Local is all about. That is what is
at the core of Local Couponomy. A very rewarding cycle to be a part of!
So now here is the fun/crazy/and hopefully interesting part of this About Us page. Our unique side is going to come out and play!
I gave my Team Members a list of questions that they can chose from, to let you all into their world to get to know who they are, and I will share some of my own answers with you also!
1. If you had a “superpower” what would that be?
Mine would be ~ I’d love to fly (without the help of an airplane or parachute). I would decide to just fly instead of walk. to have the freedom to soar and see the world from the sky certainly would be a thrill.
2. What is your “Dream” car?
Ohhh.. it’s a tossup between a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. It would have to be purple, and I’d even drive it in the rain!
3. Name one place on your travel “bucket list”
I am going to cheat, because I am the Boss,, and list more than one. It would be Greece, or Ireland (I want to sleep in a castle), or New Zealand. And the Eiffel tower (with my special guy, KC) to kiss while standing under it.
4. What is something that most people don’t know about you?
In my younger years, I raced cars and actually got a couple of trophies! I really love to drive fast.
5. Tell us about your family
I have a very important man in my life, KC (he’s the smiling handsome guy that is in the picture with me). The best supporter, partner, and maker of killer Cream of Wheat I have ever met. We
love to watch football and car racing together, and I am so lucky to have him and his 3 girls in my life (Crystal, Amber and KC'J). I have 3 kids also (David, Nicole and Amanda). We share a loud and sometimes obnoxious indoor black cat named Alexis.
6. What is your favorite song?
Here again, I am going to cheat because I have many “favorite songs. Music is like a medicine to me, and I absolutely NEED it to be part of my life (I don’t/can’t sing, except in my car while I am alone). I use music to motivate me, inspire me, to cheer me up, relive something special from my past or vent when I am angry (I have a special playlist in Spotify to fit the mood). Below I have shared some of my favorites.
One of my favorite inspirational songs that I feel speaks directly to me. I know that each and every one of us has experienced some type of challenge in their lives and different things help us sail through them... this song, and the other ones below, are what have helped me.
A powerful and very emotional song.
Fun video and an even funner video. Makes me feel like moving. I have been known to sing this in my car and pretend that I am dancing along with them. If you see a midnight blue Lexus sedan driving down the road with a happy looking redhead singing, smiling and wiggling in the driver's seat,,, it might be me!
She has such a powerful voice and a powerful song with this one. I typically have to hit replay a few times because I love this song a lot.
When I listen to this song, it stirs some deep emotions in me. Every word has a powerful effect on my and I will say that just like a Lay's potato chip,, I can't listen to this song only one time!