Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
We want to help bring our community together and support those brave people who had a dream, fought the battles and poured their spirit and effort into creating something they believed would benefit our local residents in a way that those large corporations couldn’t. You feel that customer support and maybe individualized services always make your clientele feel special and well taken care of and those qualities are highest on your priority list.
It is an opportunity for the community to find exclusive savings and support Local businesses.
Our mission/purpose is to promote small independently owned local businesses. We at Local Couponomy want to bring you new customers and expose them to your products and services.
This custom designed coupon app is dedicated to help the small family or independent business owner use a creative and reasonably priced advertising vehicle to promote your business. The offer you create and insert into the app will be unique to you.
We want to help your business grow by connecting you with motivated consumers.
We know that your presence in our community bring us history, vibrancy and economic power to help our communities thrive.
Small businesses make a measurable impact on our community, and we want to help you by directing consumers into your store.
People like shopping at establishments that offer friendly and personal service, where you know their names and recognize them when they walk in your door or call on the phone.
You will have options of one, five or ten coupons each redeemable either once, 5 times, or unlimited times. You can customize your offer presented in the coupon app.
On our official website you will have a listing that will include a link to your own website with a short description about your business. We also will give you the option to have us create a 30-60 second commercial video that will be placed on both our website and the app.
Consumers can download the Local Couponomy coupon app from any of the app stores on their cell phone. It will also be available from our official website, or from the link provided for you to put on your website or Social Media pages.
We will also provide you with written promotional material to be placed within your storefront to encourage your customers to download.
Here at Local Couponomy, we have an extensive marketing plan to promote our coupon app to make sure that as many local residents will have access to your valuable and unique offers to bring them into your store doors.
We hope by introducing them to you, your staff and your product, it will make a lasting impression on them and turn them into happy repeat and loyal customers, and like the app well enough to refer their friends to download it.
Our Local Couponomy app is going to be designed to have a very special feature. When downloaded, we will offer the consumer a way to spread the word via Facebook with a “connect” option. On that connect link that will be posted on their Facebook page will be an option of also downloading the Local Couponomy coupon app to potentially take it virally. On average, according to Facebook, each user has 338 friends, however 15% of users have lists topping 500.
Everyone loves to save money!
We will make it very easy to advertise with us, even down to payment options. Our goal is to have many advertisers who represent many different business industries within our community for people to choose their shopping options.
If you would like more information about what it will take to be one of our valuable advertisers, you can either complete the form in the link provided on this page and someone will contact you promptly, or please feel free to call us at 360-850-7676. We would love to include your business in our coupon app.
For prices for the first 100 advertisers on Local Couponomy app
Please click on the link below and complete the form and someone will contact you!
This new Local Couponomy phone app is being created to promote as many locally owned businesses as possible. We believe deeply in the "Shop Local" movement and are dedicated to being an active supporter.
The app is in the developmental stage and is going to be built by one of the top app developers in the country. This will be a first-class app, something proud you will be proud to be a charter advertising member.
The first 100 advertisers will get the lowest price that will be offered. We will keep that price in place for you for 3 years without raising it. Please contact us if you are interested.
Business Owners, we invite you to watch this short video