Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
Local Couponomy ~ Supporting your local economy with valuable coupons!
When you feel strongly about spreading the word about a company that you feel offers a good value or service, it’s the ultimate compliment you can offer when you share a name of someone you know and/or do business with and give it to us. It says Yes. Local Couponomy does have a product that we want you to know about.
We believe in rewarding you nicely when you pass on a name of a business contact you feel that would be a valuable addition to the Local Couponomy coupon app. If you like what we offer, please do not keep this coupon app opportunity a secret.
When your referral signs up and becomes an advertiser with a coupon offer on our app, we will pay you $75.00 as a sincere thank you. We also will not limit the number of referrals you submit to us.
******************** (create a fillable form to be added here)***********************************
Please click on this link below and complete all of the information. Submit it and we will contact your referral right away.
Thank you for helping spread the word out our Local Couponomy coupon app.
Terrill Boss
Owner Local Couponomy
Data on the referral link that they will submit for our action:
Your name _______________
Phone number ____________
Address ____________________
Email address _________________
Name of the company you are referring to us _______________________
Contact name ___________________________
Position in company___________________
Phone number _________________________
Email address _________________________
Notes (anything you think that would be pertinent to know prior to contacting your referral
** we need a feedback loop here,,, how can we improve this,,, how can we change?***
We also need a way to track each referral.
Acknowledge the referrer even if they one they sent you does not become a client.
Whenever you meet someone and are discussing who they want to meet and who you want to meet I like to end the discussion with this question.
Name, is there any reason at all—and it is okay if there is…it won’t hurt my feelings or upset me at all —that you can think of why you would not be comfortable in referring me to (insert your target).
Then you shut up. You want to know why, if there are any, reasons why someone won’t give you referrals. And you need to give them permission. Sometimes people will not tell you why they won’t give you referrals. So you need to ask!
This nugget of information will help your referral marketing activities 10 fold if you use it! Once they say there are no reasons, then you can get permission to start going through their database, but be sure to go slowly and be respectful!
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